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Patient Participation Group (PPG)

What is a PPG?

A PPG is representative group of patients who, from time to time, attend virtual meetings to share feedback on services, staff experiences and ideas on how we can improve our services. This helps us understand how patients perceive our surgery.

To help us with this, we are setting up a HSW virtual patient representation group so that patients can have their say. We may ask members of this group things like; what they think about our opening times, or the quality of the care or service they have received.

The surgeries are always looking for new members to join their PPG. So we thought, why not make a HSW PPG?

Patients must be a part of one of the Healthier South Wirral surgeries:

  • Sunlight Group Practice
  • The Orchard Surgery
  • Eastham Group Practice
  • The Allport Surgery
  • Civic Medical Centre
  • Spital Surgery

We are looking to gather a broad spectrum of patients if possible. Such as: young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.

Would you like to participate in the group? Are you a patient who is articulate and enthusiastic, can represent the views of others? Please email with your name, the surgery you are with as a patient, date of birth and contact number and a member of our team will be in touch.

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