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Healthwatch Wirral

#Spare5 to Help your health and social care services #ItStartsWithYou

Healthier South Wirral wants to let you know that we value patient feedback and want to learn from your experiences.

You may hear from your local Healthwatch team by telephone or through letters you receive.

‘Foundations of Quality Improvement should always have what patients tell us about their treatment and care at the heart of everything, as a system, that we plan and do. We must be able to evidence that all actions and decisions made come back to this, making certain that everyone feels respected, involved and valued at each and every part of the journey. We should all feel confident that we are either giving or receiving quality care.’

Healthwatch Wirral, Age UK Wirral, NHS England and ECIST, Wirral System

Don’t delay – YOU can help improve care on Wirral. 

67% of people in England say they are more likely to act to improve health and social care services since the outbreak of COVID-19. Are you one of those people?

Healthwatch work closely with the Care Quality Commission to look at quality and safety of our services.   Your voice has never been so important!  We really want to hear from you about what is working well, and not so well!  And we have now made it easier for you with the Healthwatch Wirral’s new Feedback Centre

You can now share your recent experiences by clicking on this link:

Feedback Centre Flyer – GPs

Feedback Centre How-to


This is easy to use; you just need to search for the service that you used (e.g. your GP) and answer some questions about the care you received (anonymously if preferred).

For example:

  • Have you been contacted about your Flu vaccination?
  • Have you used E-Consult?
  • Are you a Carer looking after someone? – What is the experience of the person you love and care for and also for you as Carer?

If you don’t feel confident using the online form, you can call 0151 230 8957 and Healthwatch Wirral can submit feedback on your behalf.

We are grateful to our health and social care staff, from nurses and doctors on the front lines to carers supporting the most vulnerable members in our community.  With your feedback they can: –

  • make improvements based on what you tell them.
  • hear directly when they are doing great work and making that difference to all our lives.

It starts with you – #Spare5 to share your experience today #BecauseWeAllCare


Tel: 01515 230 8957

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